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PJ Cousin M.B.Ac.C is a London acupuncturist and herbalist with more than 40 years experience in natural medicine; he also learned massage, homeopathy, Eastern and Western Herbalism as well as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
PJ Cousin taught all these subjects for 12 years in this country and abroad. A prolific writer he has worked as a contributor on nine books, including 3 volumes of an encyclopedia; as a sole author, he has written three best selling books: "Facelift at your fingertips", "Natural recipes for a perfect skin" and "Food is Medicine".
The principal method of treatment is by insertion of very fine needles into points which lie beneath the skin. These points may also be treated by warming with a burning herb (moxibustion), by gentle electrical pulse (electro-acupuncture), or by laserĂ¥. Acupuncture is world wide: it is used in almost every country in the world. It is estimated that there are presently 3 millions practicing acupuncturists, including barefoot doctors. Acupuncture takes years to learn: a qualified practitioner needs many years of study and clinical practice in order to refine his diagnostic and therapeutic skills, acupuncture is a complex system which requires extensive study of the classical theory, profound knowledge of both theory and practice, and the necessary background in western medicine as well.
This is based on the dual interaction of yin and yang, and the uninterrupted flow of energy along the 14 meridians of acupuncture. Disease is caused, according to the classics, by either an imbalance between yin and yang, or a blockage or interruption of the flow of energy, along the meridians.
How does it work? By re-establishing balance between YIN and YANG, finely tuning the flow of life energy, removing blockages along "meridian" pathways.
What is the scope of acupuncture? Acupuncture can influence three major areas of health care: . promotion of health and well-being, . prevention of illness, . treatment of a variety of pathologies. While acupuncture is often associated with pain control, in the hands of a well-trained practitioner it has much broader applications. The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems, including: Respiratory System: asthma, chest infections, bronchitis. Cardiovascular: palpitations, angina, chest pain, poor circulation, hypertension. Digestive System: stomach ulcer, gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, colitis, constipation or diarrhoea. Genito-Urinary: cystitis, prostatitis, bed wetting. Gynaecological: premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain, irregular period, lack of, or excessive menstruation, infertility, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms. Neurological: effect of strokes, trigeminal neuralgia, shingles, Bell's palsy. Locomotor: sport injuries, pain, stiffness, fibrositis, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, tendinitis Psychological: anxiety, depression, phobias, agitation, insomnia, stress. General: malaise, low energy, poor vitality, recurrent illness, fatigue. Ear, Nose, Throat: sinusitis, hay fever, tinnitus, recurrent sore throat, mouth ulcers, etc. Others: migraine, tension, hormonal imbalance, pains of all kind. Skin Diseases: eczema, psoriasis, etc. Acupuncture is particularly useful in resolving physical problems related to tension and stress and emotional conditions.
The benefit of acupuncture varies from one individual to another, but generally acupuncture treatment reduces stress, increases general well being drastically, improves health and self healing, strengthens natural vitality and the natural defenses of the organism, in other words it makes people function better and feel healthier. How many treatments are needed? The number of treatments varies according to the condition treated. The statistics carried out in my practice show an average of 8 treatments per person. Usually, 4 to 6 treatments are needed initially at weekly intervals; then a few more treatments are required on longer periods of time to make sure that the condition does not reoccur.
Does it hurt? The needles are thin like a hair and certainly have nothing in common with a syringe needle. A slight prickling sensation is felt as the needle pierces the skin and sometimes a tingling sensation is experienced while the needles are in place. How many needles are used in one treatment ? Two to eight points needled bilaterally in one treatment is about the average. . What should you expect? Everyone's response to treatment is different, so I don't have preconceived ideas or rigid expectations. Some people quickly feel much better, while some don't notice any immediate changes. Often the first changes to occur improve the overall state of health, and one will experience better sleeping, feeling more relaxed or "even". A feeling of lightness and well-being are also common. As the whole person is treated, emotional, mental and physical changes happen together. The symptoms might still be present, but they will lessen with time. Since it took time to get the disease, it will take time to cure it.
ARE THERE ANY SIDE EFFECTS TO THE TREATMENT? Usually not. Occasionally the original symptoms worsen for a day; it should not cause concern, as this is simply an indication that the acupuncture is starting to work. It is quite common with the first one or two treatments to have a sensation of deep relaxation or even mild disorientation immediately following the treatment..
No. Acupuncture is used successfully on cats, dogs, horses and other animals. These animal patients do not understand or believe in the process that helps them get better. A constructive attitude toward a better health may reinforce the effects of the treatment received.
Yes, the following guidelines are important: Do not eat a very large meal immediately before or after a treatment. Do not over-exercise, engage in sexual activity, or consume alcoholic beverages within 6 hours before or after acupuncture. Plan your activities so that after the treatment you can get some rest. This is especially important for the first few visits. Continue to take any prescription medicines as directed by your doctor. Substance abuse (drugs and alcohol) especially in the week prior to treatment, will seriously interfere with the effectiveness of acupuncture. Remember to keep good mental or written notes of what your response is to the treatment. This is important for your practitioner to know so that the follow-up treatments can be designed to best help you and your problem.
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